Offering Online Education and Private Consultations
Many participants from the Transforming Relationship Academy program have chosen to continue their journey of self discovery with an ongoing TR Club Membership. The Membership offers an ongoing opportunity to stay connected with a growing community of alumni. TR Club Members participate in monthly support forums, and webinars, view exclusive video content. Members receive updates when new content is posted.
The TR Club membership is open to participants who have completed Transforming Relationship Academy.
The TR Club Membership entitles participants to:
• Engage in ongoing monthly support forums, and webinars (including archives), view exclusive video content.
• Access the TR Library content
• Access online discussion boards with other members
• Connect with a community of TR Members
Transforming Relationships Club Membership
Our keystone service is the Transforming Relationships Academy, but our offerings and support extend beyond that 6 month container.
The TR Program explores intergenerational family trauma and its impact on current relationships. For those who are aware of deeper personal and familial issues and want or need to do further work, our private Systemic Family Constellation is an opportunity to explore, understand, and resolve them. The philosophical orientation of this practice comes from an integration of existential phenomenology, psychoanalytic theory, gestalt therapy, psychodynamic therapy, family systems therapy, trauma-informed therapy, and elements of indigenous Zulu mysticism and beliefs.
There are two phases to a Systemic Family Constellation:
Phase 1 - Interview Process: in the week before the constellation, we conduct a short online interview to determine a client's family genogram, or their family tree and history.
Phase 2 - The Constellation: Conducting the Constellation online
Private Systemic Family Constellation
In the TR Program, participants are offered two one-hour private consultation with Caroline Shahbaz. This helps more deeply explore the material and examine emerging personal insights.
Participants may also choose additional private individual consultation with Caroline Shahbaz.
These sessions are virtual, online and offer participants opportunities to explore in more depth issues that arise out of the Transforming Relationships Program, or as ongoing personal development.
Private Individual and Couple’s Consultations
Human beings greatest need is to belong, for connection and for security. In most societies family provides and nurtures these needs. However, for many people family is the source of disconnection, rupture, and insecurity. Many issues arise in families, some eventually leading to conflict, withdrawal and sometimes estrangement. The mental, emotional, physical health issues that arise from these can be devastating to individuals and families.
Metapsychotherapy offers a unique process for family therapy. It starts with the understanding that all those involved have a stake in resolving issues. Metapsychotherapy does not encourage family therapy if all involved are unwilling to participate because the outcomes will likely be unsuccessful.
There are several key steps we undertake in a Metapsychotherapy Family Therapy process to access all voices.
We advise and counsel individuals on how to broach the invitation to a Metapsychotherapy Family Therapy approach which involves the following key steps.
Private interview all those who have a stake in the outcome of therapy.
Facilitated feedback of the results of the interviews to all involved in a group process. During this process, we facilitate collective agreements around decisions to move forward in therapy.
Construction for the scope of family therapy going forward to meet the collective needs and agreements
For more detailed information go here.